Fire safety is a critical concern in any building, especially in those that store flammable or hazardous materials. The use of fire-rated storage helps minimize the risk of loss of critical documents and data for yourself and your organization.
Best Storage Products for Wildfire
As you prepare for wildfire season, you should consider the storage and safety of your vital records for your home or business. FireKing offers best-in-class fire protection and we have several products suited for wildfire preparation needs. Whether you are looking for both fire-rated protection and portability offered in our SureSeal lineup or looking for the storage flexibility and organization of our FireCube One-Drawer File Cabinet or 2-or-4 Drawer Turtle file cabinet options, we know that we have the right solution for your needs. Here is a breakdown of each of those products and how they can help build peace of mind for you during and after wildfire season. -
How to Prepare Before Wildfire Season
Typically wildfire season runs July through October. We wanted to create this guide as a resource for you as you plan and prepare for potential wildfire damage to your home or business. Many tips and sources are from California, but they apply in all states where wildfire risk exists like Arizona, New Mexico, Florida, and Texas. But wildfire risk is increasing in other states as well. -
Fire-Rated Storage for Financial Professionals
Fire is unpredictable and if you could tell when it would happen, you would prepare accordingly. In order to protect your business, you might search for fireproof files or fireproof storage because you know it is important – 40% of businesses fail to reopen after a disaster[FEMA]. Fire-rated storage is an important component of any Risk Management or Disaster Recovery plan that you build for your company. -
The file cabinet that crashed but didn’t burn
Newspaper reports called this the “most destructive fire ever to hit Terre Haute, Indiana.” When it was over, two blocks of the city’s busiest section lay in charred rubble. But, for CPA Kendall H. Hayhurst, the destruction did not affect the vital records stored in his FireKing fireproof insulated cabinet. -
It withstood an F-5 tornado without a loss
Backing up the computer and placing the disk in the file cabinet along with other valuable records was a routine precaution for Sande and Jimmy Johnson, ever since they had purchased a four-drawer FireKing file cabinet. Routine, that is, until the tornado that struck that fateful May 3rd. -
Saved from a rolling disaster by her FireKing cabinet
June proved to be much hotter than Mrs. Gerald Adams ever expected. At least for the contents of her household.
During her move from Florida to Massachusetts, the van carrying virtually all her earthly possessions caught fire. Starting at the van’s rear axle, the blaze quickly raged through the entire body of the trailer and totally destroyed everything on the truck, with one exception: the contents of her FireKing two-drawer file cabinet. Though badly scorched on the outside from the intensity of the heat, all the important documents stored within had come through unscathed.
Great insurance for their insurance papers
Virtually every business purchases insurance to protect its assets. But how do you protect the insurance documents that insure the continuity of your business?
Community Management Association, Inc., of Colorado Springs, Colorado, relied on two 4-drawer FireKing legal filing cabinets to protect all its important documents, including their insurance papers and other vital papers. It was protection for which they were profoundly grateful when an intense fire destroyed their office building.
Data retrieved, picture-perfect, from fire that melted girders
American Hose and Hydraulics of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, suffered a devastating fire that totally destroyed its offices. Experts determined that the blaze roared for more than 10 1/2 hours at temperatures in excess of 2000º, with temperatures exceeding 2800º during the hottest 3 1/2 hours of the conflagration.